Protractor NES

Never-Ending Support for Protractor

As of August 2023, Protractor has reached its end of life.

But don't worry about migrating all your tests to something else – continue running your tests in Protractor for as long as you need. With NES Protractor your tests remain supported and secure.

Talk to an expert to get your free license through August 2024!

Angular Never-Ending Support
"We understand that some teams may not be ready to migrate away from Protractor at this time. We’ve partnered with the independent team at HeroDevs who will be creating a public fork of Protractor, which they will support long term."
Mark Thompson - Developer Advocate @ Angular Team

Getting Started

How it Works
Step 1
Sign up for your free token
Step 2
Configure NPM to use Protractor NES
Step 3
NPM Install and run your tests
Step 4
Stay supported on Protractor forever!
After sign up, setup and installation, you should expect to install updates regularly. These updates will contain fixes for security issues, as well as browser compatibility updates.
It's that easy!


Stay secure without migrating
NES Protractor is a fork of the deprecated Protractor repo that allows your existing Protractor tests to be fully supported and secured beyond its end of life.

No migration necessary.
Continuous source code scanning for vulnerabilities
Our proprietary scanning tools monitor for security vulnerabilities continuously, so you can rest easy knowing your application remains secure
Fixes within 14 days of vulnerability discovery
When we find a vulnerability or incompatibility, we create a fix, test it, and release it within 14 days of discovery
All package data stays in your network
With our on-prem license delivery, you don’t have to worry about any package data leaving your network when you install Protractor NES


Maintain Compatibility
With our nightly build and test processes, you'll sleep well knowing that your Protractor tests will keep running in the latest versions of all major browsers and alongside other popular open source libraries.
Supported Browsers
Chrome Browser Logo
Google Chrome
Firefox Browser Logo
Mozilla Firefox
Safari Browser Logo
MacOS Safari
Microsoft Edge Browser Logo
Microsoft Edge
Supported Open Source Libraries


SLA & Regulatory Compliance
Do you have an SLA with your clients to not ship unsupported libraries?

Do you have FedRAMP, PCI, HIPAA, or other compliance concerns? 

Our clients breeze past such concerns by having NES Protractor – a fully supported and secured software library.
Leaping over technology stacks in a single bound!

Defeat Your Technical Villains

Whether it's continuous support through our Never-Ending Support (NES) library or our unparalleled professional services to get you migrated and moving forward, HeroDevs is to the rescue!

Activate Your Free License!

Free through August 2024

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