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Navigating End-of-Life and Outdated Applications in Open Source

February 27, 2024

12:00 pm


Welcome to the first session of the Open Source Leadership Series, brought to you by HeroDevs. Aimed at Tech leaders, this exclusive series hones in on advanced open source strategies and insights.

This first session, "Navigating End-of-Life and Outdated Applications in Open Source," offers a deep dive into:

  • End-of-Life Complexity: Delve into the business impacts of EOL in open source tech.
  • Leadership Decision-Making: Acquire targeted insights for managing legacy software.
  • Innovation vs. Security: Learn to balance technological advancement with robust security.
  • Real-World Solutions: Hear from experts on smoothly transitioning technologies.

Our Open Source Leadership Series is more than just webinars; it's a platform for thought leadership, strategic discussions, and community building among top-tier professionals in the tech world.

Seats are invitation only and limited to ensure an exclusive, high-value experience. To show our thanks, you can choose between:

  • $100 gift card, or
  • $100 charitable donation to your choice, or
  • $100 to a OSS project.

Elevate your leadership in the open source sphere. Reserve your spot in this premier event below!